Monday 25 November 2019

Day 1: Seville to Guillena via Santiponce

Today has been a rather misty and rainy day, though not cold. However, it began in a most excellent way with Mass in the Royal Chapel of the Cathedral. Already last night we had some wonderful views from outside. The bell tower, the Giralda, looked quite majestic with its nocturnal illumination.

After the Mass, Andy and I got the sacristan to take a photo of us, together with Jack Shuff's photo which John and Julie, his parents, gave to me before I set off. He'll not be missing any part of the Camino.

Being in the Cathedral before the doors open to the tourists meant we had the place to ourselves, so we had a good look at the famous retableau depicting the life of Christ, the tomb of Christopher Columbus and the beautiful lateral altars and choir.

Immediately outside the Cathedral the Camino of the Vía de la Plata begins. The plaque on the wall of the buildings opposite is the official starting point.

And so we started. The route through the city is interesting, passing some chapels and churches that we popped into for a visit. Having crossed the two branches of the River Guadalquivir, however, it all became rather unpleasant for a few kilometres, with lots of litter, popular fly tipping locations, and deserted fincas. Eventually, after about 9km, we arrived at the small town of Santiponce. The town contains the remains of the original city of Italics, birthplace of the Roman Emperors Trajan and Hadrian. The modern town has Christian origins, being the place where the relics of St Gerontios, first Bishop of Seville, were preserved. 

We had intended a sandwich and coffee in Santiponce, but, being Monday, most places were shut. The only place open specialised in barbecued meats, so we were forced (!) To take advantage. The next 13km followed an old disused Roman road through fields. Mostly it was mild weather, but at one point the rain really came down. We arrived, finally, at our first overnight stop, Guillena. The Hostal Bar Francés welcomed us with a very reasonable €7 menu of the day and perfectly adequate rooms. At least three was lots of hot water for the shower. An early night tonight in preparation for day two is in order. One stage down. Only 43 to do.

1 comment:

  1. First stage complete, well done. Do hope tomorrow's weather is dry and pleasant for you both. Paula


Day 46: Eiravedra to Santiago de Compostela

Here at last was the day when I would arrive in Santiago de Compostela after over 1000km of pilgrimage. The sound, during the night of heavy...