Saturday 23 November 2019

First Stage of the Camino is this week!

So tomorrow I'm flying over to Seville with Andy Connell to start the first stage of the Vía de la Plata. We will be beginning the walk on Monday morning, with Holy Mass in the Royal Chapel of Seville Cathedral. From Seville we will walk to Monesterio - the first place outside of Andalucía, in the region of Extremadura - approximately 100 km, over the course of five days. You can see from the first map that this is about a tenth of the total distance to Santiago de Compostela, which you can see in the top left corner of the map (or the north-west, to those of you more compass minded).

The second map shows in closer detail the approximate route we will follow.

The days pan out as follows:
Monday: Seville Cathedral to Guillena (21.6km)
Tuesday: Guillena to Castilblanco de los Arroyos (18.3km)
Wednesday: Castilblanco de los Arroyos to Almadén de la Plata (28.2km - the longest day!)
Thursday: Almadén de la Plata to El Real de la Jara (13.6km - slacking)
Friday: El Real de la Jara to Monesterio (20km)

Keep us in your prayers, and we'll keep you posted on progress!

1 comment:

  1. Father Julian and Andy, I am praying this morning for your feet and that they may suffer less than those for whom you are walking. Buen Camino.


Day 46: Eiravedra to Santiago de Compostela

Here at last was the day when I would arrive in Santiago de Compostela after over 1000km of pilgrimage. The sound, during the night of heavy...