Tuesday 4 February 2020

Two milestones

Yesterday I passed two milestones. Firstly, having now walked 269.8km, I have completed the first quarter of the whole Camino. Secondly, somewhere between Aljucén and Alcuéscar we crossed the boundary between the provinces of Badajoz and Cáceres. That means I have now walked through a whole province - Badajoz - and also a whole Diocese - Badajoz-Mérida. We are now walking in the Diocese of Coria-Cáceres where the Bishop is (still) Mons Francisco Cerro Chances, whom I knew in my time at Valladolid, and was a great role model. He is taking up his new appointment as Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain at the end of the month.

By the end of this visit, I will have got through about half the total distance of this Camino. I will also have traversed Cáceres province and therefore the whole of Extremadura region, and will be in Salamanca province in the region of Castilla-León. I will also have crossed the Diocese of Plasencia and into the Diocese of Salamanca. My finish point for this stage will be Salamanca cathedral.

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