Wednesday 5 February 2020

Day 13: Aldea del Cano to Cáceres

A shorter day today. A mere 23km to walk. A day of two halves, conveniently divided by a stop in the village of Valdesalor. But first, some photos of Aldea del Cano.
The day began with a visit to the Bar Las Vegas, where we had dinner the night before. It was well patronised by local workmen taking their breakfast. A hearty toast with Iberian ham and coffee set us up for the morning. The village of Aldea del Cano gave us a great welcome and the Casa Rural was a great place to stay. 
The way to our half way stop today, Valdesalor, included crossing the runway of the aeroclub. An odd moment, especially as one plane was preparing to take off, and later flow over us. Not long afterwards the village of Valdesalor came into sight. As we approached, we saw the medieval bridge which seemed rather superfluous, but which maintains a link to the past. The village of Valdesalor is rather dull, but the pensioners' bar which we visited provided enough food and drink to keep us on to evening.
Coming out of Valdesalor, the climb to the mountain pass of the Carmelites was testing as was the descent down to Cáceres. It was not the steepness, but the heat of the sun together with tiredness and the small rocks under foot which made it tiring. The sight of the less inspiring parts of Cáceres from afar did not help. As I have said before, it is often better not to see where you are heading to from a distance, as seeing the target makes you think you are closer than you are. The entry into the city was through an unpleasant semi-industrial area. It was only after a further walk of about half an hour that the full glory and beauty of the World Heritage site which is the old city of Cáceres was revealed. One thing that could be seen on the approach, was the shrine of Our Lady of the Mountain on the hill to the east of the city.
Arriving later than foreseen, it was straight to the co-Cathedral to concelebrate the evening Mass in the Blessed Sacrament chapel. The Mass finished, and the credencial stamped, it was off up find our accommodation, a good long shower, and dinner. 

1 comment:

  1. Having finally found your blog, I've just caught up with the Camino from the start. Description is inspiring. Blue skies enviable. We have a heavy frost this morning.


Day 46: Eiravedra to Santiago de Compostela

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